Wednesday, November 29, 2017

G: Lesson on Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Aim: What is the Executive (President's) Cabinet?  
Bell Ringer:  Review the Cabinet Table 
  1. 1. SS.912.C.3.4 Analyze the structures, functions, and processes of the executive branch as described in Article II of the Constitution. 
  1. 2. SS.912.C.2.14: Evaluate the processes and results of an election at the state or federal level. 
  1. 1. Bell Ringer (10 min) 
  1. 2. All-Write-Round-Robin (15/20 min) 
  1. a. List the individuals who makeup the executive branch.  
  1. b. What are the qualifications of Pres. & V.P.? 
  1. c. List the order of succession in case the President is unable. 
  1. d. How does the electoral college work? 
  1. e. Describe at least three departments of the cabinet. What do they do?  
  1. 3. Video: (inside the White House: The Cabinet) 
  1. Journal 41 – How does Obama describe his cabinet? What do cabinet members say about the Cabinet?  

Home Learning: Complete Journal 41 

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