Monday, November 20, 2017

E: Lesson on Monday, November 20, 2017

Aim: Why do businesses in different industries experience varying degrees of competition in a market economy and what is the impact of that competition on consumers, society and the government?  

  1. Bell Ringer:  Journal 41 – To what extend do you think government should be involved in the free enterprise economy? Defend your answer. 

  1. 1. SS.912.E.1.6: Compare the basic characteristics of the four market structures (monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, pure competition). 
  1. 1. Bell Ringer (10 min) 
  1. 2. Market Structures Quiz (10 min) 
  1. 3. Students are to continue working on their "Market Structure Project 
  1. 4. Grade journals 31-40 
Home Learning:  
  1. Continue working on the Market Structures Project 
  1. Bring your Economics Text Book to class.  

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