Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Lesson on Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Aim: What is the Executive (President's) Cabinet?

Bell Ringer: Journal 26 – Should the U.S. continue to use the Electoral College?
(J25 was completed on 11/10) – Describe the implied and expressed powers of the president.

1.     Students will analyze the structures, functions, and processes of the executive branch as described in Article II of the Constitution.

1.Bell Ringer (10 min)
2.Review BP HW assignment, and submit for a grade (10 min)
3.Executive Cabinet PPT (20 min)
4.Video:  (add information to your notes)
5.Journal 27 – Which department of the President's cabinet intrigues you the most? Explain. (rest of class)

Home Learning: Complete the Cabinet Table and Journal 26

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