Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Lesson on Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Aim: How did the Supreme Court extend many rights mentioned in the first 10 amendments to the Constitution? 

Bell Ringer:Journal 65– What is the difference between Civil Rights and Civil Liberties? / Answer while watching the following videos… 

  1. 1. Students will evaluate, take, and defend positions about rights protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights  
  1. 2. Students will evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues that cause the government to balance the interests of individuals with the public good.  
  1. Students will explain why rights have limits and are not absolute. 

  1. 1. Bell Ringer (15 min) 
  1. 2. Review Journal 64 
  1. 3. Current Events (10 min) 
  1. 4. Students are to work on their concept maps that will be presented tomorrow.  
Home Learning: Complete extra research on concept map. 

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