Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Judicial Branch Exam Study Guide

If you're in my 1st period, read the study guide carefully, as there are terms that were not covered in class due to the assembly with Herf Jones during 1st period.


There are two types of jurisdictions that will be covered in the exam. They are:

A. original jurisdiction - this is what any trial court has that covers a case for the first time.
B. appellate jurisdiction - this is the type of jurisdiction that a court of appeals has.

Terms to know:

1. define Supreme Court
2. define an opinion of a court
3. what is due process?
4. petit jury
5. define U.S. Court of Appeals
6. Where does the Supreme Court get their cases from?
7. The U.S. is divided into how many regions for U.S. Court of Appeals?
8. writ of certiorari
9. an amicus curiae
10. Who has the power to confirm appointments to the Supreme Court? (This legislative body confirms appointments by the president)

11. brief
12. concurring opinion (a judge can also write a concurring opinion if they agree but for a different reason)

13. The Senate's control over the Supreme court.
14. Jurisdiction of the Court
15. Marbury v. Madison (know the significance of the case)
16. Law clerks (the relationship they have to a Supreme Court judge)
17. How do justices reach the Supreme Court? (How do they get this position?)
18. Most court cases are comprised of CIVIL LIBERTIES.
19. A president's power over the court.
20. precedent
21. stare decisis

22. This is NOT a limit on the Court's power:
a. restriction of types of issues
b. lack of enforcement power
c. checks and balances
d. congressional jurisdiction


1. Why does the Constitution give federal courts jurisdiction in cases involving disputes between two states or between a state and a citizen of another state?

2. Some people maintain that all judges should be elected rather than appointed in order to make them more accountable to the people. Should this principle apply to Supreme Court justices? Explain why or why not. (valid opinion)

3. What two actions could Congress take to undo a Supreme Court ruling that a federal law is unconstitutional?

4. Explain how and why the Supreme Court's ruling in the case of Marbury v. Madison increased the Court's power.

5. Describe the differences between criminal and civil law.


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