Monday, January 22, 2018

Lesson on Monday, January 22, 2018

Aim: How did the Supreme Court extend many rights mentioned in the first 10 amendments to the Constitution?  

Bell Ringer: Grade Judicial Branch Exam 

  1. 1. Students will evaluate, take, and defend positions about rights protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights  
  1. 2. Students will evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues that cause the government to balance the interests of individuals with the public good.  
  1. Students will explain why rights have limits and are not absolute. 

  1. 1. Bell Ringer (10 min) 
  2. 2. Finish grading Journals 51-60
  1. 3. Journal 63– Choose a right you have as an American and describe it. (10 min) 
  1. 4. YouTube: "Libertarianism Explained: What Are Rights? - Learn Liberty" min) 

  1. 5. Assign pairsof students to read one of the following sub sections from the Glencoe "United States Government Democracy In Actiontextbook and create a concept map to present to the class based on their assigned section. For more information and samples of concept maps: 
  1. A. Human Rights vs Constitutional Rights 355, 356 
  1. B. Incorporation 356, 357 
  1. C. The 14thAmendment  356, 357 
  1. D. Origins of Freedom of Religion 358 (external research) 
  1. E. The Establishment Clause 358 
  1. F. Everson v. Board of Education 359 
  1. G. State Aid to Parochial Schools 360 
  1. H. Release Time for Students / Engel v. Vitale 361 
  1. I. Equal Access Act 362 
  1. J. Teaching the Theory of Evolution 362 
  1. K. The Free Exercise Clause 363 
  1. L. The Flag Salute Cases 363 

Home Learning: Journal 64 – What is the connection between liberty and security?  

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