Friday, February 3, 2017

Lesson on Friday, February 3, 2017

Aim: What is Freedom of Speech, the Press, and Assembly?

Bell Ringer: Journal 45 – What is the cartoonist implying about president Trump? Explain using specific events or issues. What is the significance of the three objects in his tentacles? Who do the people lined up outside the White House represent? Is there a significance to them lining up? 

1.     Students will evaluate, take, and defend positions about rights protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights
2.     Students will evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues that cause the government to balance the interests of individuals with the public good. 3.
3.     Students will explain why rights have limits and are not absolute.

1. Bell Ringer (15 min)
2. Banned Books video:  (5 min)
3. Continue to research a selected banned and /or challenged book and present findings to the class. Have students include a summary of the book and an explanation of who tried to ban the book and why. Have students participate in a class discussion of how the project relates to the First Amendment. (rest of class)

Home Learning:
A.                       Banned Book presentation due: Monday, February 6, 2017
B.Read Chapter 1 "Free Speech on the Internet, Blogs, and in the Traditional Press" / highlight and annotate / Due: Monday, February 6, 2017

C. What you need to know: Describe the three primary changes in the contemporary field of journalism, according to Michael Scherer.

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