Friday, February 17, 2017

Lesson on Friday, February 17, 2017

Aim: What is scarcity and why is it a problem?

Bell Ringer: Review figure 1.1 then answer Journal 50 – Why is the basic problem of economics, scarcity, a universal problem?

1. Students will use geographic terms and tools to explain differing perspectives on the use of renewable and non-renewable resources in, the United States and the world.
2. Students will identify the factors of production and why they are necessary for the production of goods and services.

1. Bell Ringer (10 min)
2. YouTube video:  (5 min)
3. Complete the note-taking guide (What is Economics?) using your textbook (McGraw-Hill Economics Principles and Practices pp. 6-25) (rest of class)

Home Learning: Complete your designated portion of the note-taking guide (What is Economics?). Use online resources.

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