Thursday, October 20, 2016

Lesson on Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Aim: How is the Legislative Branch of the United States structured?

Bell Ringer: Complete Venn Diagram. Title it “House of Representatives & U.S. Senate Venn Diagram”

1.Students will analyze the structures, functions, and processes of the legislative branch as described in Article I of the Constitution.

1.Bell Ringer (10 min)
2.All Write Round Robin
A.       How long is a congressional term? How many sessions are in a term? 
B.        Describe the word bicameral 
C.       Describe the structure of our legislative branch (number and names of houses, number of representatives in each, what representation is based on) 
D.       Describe the qualifications to be a representative 
E.         Describe the qualifications to be a senator 
F.         Describe the term reapportionment 
G.       Describe the term redistricting / gerrymandering. 
(20   in)
3.Video: Inherent Powers of the government (3 min) 
4.Journal 20 – Research: Describe the expressed, implied, and inherent powers of Congress. (10 min) 
5.Submit: Venn Diagram & All-Write-Round-Robin "Legislative Branch" (2 separate grades)

Home Learning: Journals 11-20 and binders will be graded on Thursday. 

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