Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Facts About Congressional Committees

In 1998 average representatives had 17 staffers and senators had 40.

103rd congress- 10,000 personal staffers
3000 more employed with congressional committees
3000 more employed in congressional research agencies
Largest growing part of bureaucracy

Personal staffer duty:
Answering mail
Handling problems
Mailing newsletters
Meeting with constituents
1/3 of staff is local
Task is to get votes

Most members of congress have one local office
Half have two or more
Incumbent hard to beat because of this

Agencies that work for Congress as a whole
Gives Congress specialized knowledge

  • Congressional Research service (CRS)
  • Part of the Library of Congress
  • Employs over 900 people
  • Answers questions for Congress members
  • Over ¼ million questions per year
  • Politically neutral
  • Keeps track of major bill status 
  • Gives summaries of all bills- stored electronically 


Congressional Budget office (CBO)
Created in 1974
Advises Congress on the possible economic effects of spending programs
Provides information on the cost of proposed legislation
Prepares analysis of President’s budget and economic projections 
Aids Congress in budget debates

30,000 men and women work for the legislative branch and it costs $4 billion per year to finance its operations

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