Thursday, August 30, 2018

Lesson on Thursday, August 30, 2018

Aim: What are the seven principles of the Constitution?  
Bell Ringer: Journal 7 – Describe an important current event topic going on today.  
  1. 1. Students will examine how power and responsibility are distributed, shared, and limited by the Constitution.  

  1. 1. Bell Ringer (15 min) 
  1. 2. Continue to analyze the Constitution using the following questions.  
  1. 1. Does the Constitution give the federal government any power in the field of education?  
  1. 2. Does the Constitution have a minimum age requirement for a senator?  
  1. 3. What are the constitutional requirements for a person to be president? 
  1. 4. Does the Constitution allow a president alone to take the nation to war?  
  1. 5. Are there any specific crimes mentioned in the Constitution? 
  1. 3. Complete your Constitution Questions 

Home Learning: 
6. According to the Constitution, how can a president and other national officials be removed from office? 
7. How is an amendment to the Constitution added? 
8. Is the term of a president limited by the Constitution? 

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