Wednesday, August 23, 2017

G: Lesson on Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Aim: What are the principles of the founding documents (Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Federalist Papers)? 

Bell Ringer: Journal 3 – What do you know about the Declaration of Independence?  

1. Students will explain how the Declaration of Independence reflected the political principles of popular sovereignty, social contract, natural rights, and individual rights. 

1. Bell Ringer (Journal 3) (10 min)
2. Review Journal 2 (Describe Federalism) (5 min)
3. Complete handout: "Principles of Government" (10 min)
4. Brainpop: Declaration of Independence (10 min)
5. Exit Ticket: Describe the principles of government that the Declaration of Independence reflects.

  HW: Review Journals 1-3

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