Thursday, August 31, 2017

E: Lesson on Thursday, August 31, 2017

Aim: How might major economic and social goals in the United States change in your lifetime?

Bell Ringer: YouTube video: (Economic & Social Goals)


1. SS.912.E.1.3: Compare how the various economic systems (traditional, market, command, mixed) answer the questions: (1) What to produce? (2) How to produce?; and (3) For whom to produce?
2. SS.912.E.2.1: Identify and explain broad economic goals.
3. SS.912.E.3.6: Differentiate and draw conclusions about historical economic thought theorized by economists.

1. Bell Ringer (10 min)
2. Journal 8 – What major themes can you identify in the list of seven economic goals? (10 min)
3. Have students work on a concept map about their assigned section of the What is Economics? note-taking guide. (rest of class)

Home Learning: "On-the-Job Video Gaming" on page 47. Questions 1-2 on a loose leaf./ Complete note-taking guide and concept map.

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