Monday, August 28, 2017

E: Lesson on Monday, August 28, 2017

Aim: What is scarcity and the Factors of Production?

Bell Ringer: Journal 6 – What are two ways to increase productivity?

1. Students will use geographic terms and tools to explain differing perspectives on the use of renewable and non-renewable resources in, the United States and the world.
2. Students will identify the factors of production and why they are necessary for the production of goods and services.

1. Bell Ringer
2. Check “Spotlight on Economy”
3. Finish presentations
4. Video Clip (I didn't get to show this clip, remind me tomorrow)
5. What Is Economics? Quiz-Quiz-Trade

Home Learning: Study for tomorrow’s quiz.

BELOW ARE THE Q.Q.T. questions and answers. Reading these is a good way to prepare for the exam. 

What is Economics? Quiz-Quiz-Trade

1.       Q - The condition that results from society not having enough resources to produce all things people would like to have.
A – Scarcity

2.       Q – The study of how people try to satisfy seemingly unlimited and competing wants through the careful use of relatively scarce resources

A – Economics

3.       Q – A basic requirement for survival, such as food, clothing.

A – Need

4.       Q – Simply something we would like to have but is not necessary for survival.
A – Want

5.       Q – There are three questions that economists or businesses ask themselves before production. What are these three questions?

6.       Q – What are the factors of production?
A – Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurs

7.       Q – What are some examples of “land” as a factor of production?
A – deserts, fertile fields, forests, mineral deposits, livestock, sunshine, climate

8.       Q – What are some examples of “capital” as a factor of production?
A – tools, equipment, machinery, and factories.

9.       Q – What are some examples of “labor” as a factor of production?
A – people with all their efforts, abilities, and skills, including all people except a unique group of individuals called entrepreneurs.

10.   Q – What is gross domestic product (GDP)?
A – the dollar value of all final goods, services, and structures produced within a country’s borders in a 12-month period. It is a measure of a country’s total output, and a key measure of a country’s economic health.

11.   Q – What is a durable good?
A – A product that lasts three years or more (i.e. automobiles)

12.   Q – What is a nondurable good?
A – A product that lasts less than three years (i.e. food, writing paper, most clothing items)

13.   Q – What is a service?
A – work that is performed for someone. Services include haircuts, home repairs, forms of entertainment such as concerts, also work that doctors, lawyers, and teachers perform.

14.   Q – Define consumer.
A – Consumers are the people who use good and services to satisfy their wants and needs.

15.   Q – What is a location or other mechanism that allows buyers and sellers to exchange a specific product called?
A – market

16.   Q – Describe the two markets found in the Circular Flow of Economic Activity?
A – Factor Market: where the factors of production are bought and sold.
Product Market: markets where producers sell their goods and services.

17.   Q – What is economic growth?
A – occurs when a nation’s total output of goods and services increases over time.

18.   Q – What is the term that describes a measure of the amount of goods and services produced?
A – productivity

19.   Q – What is the term that describes the sum of people’s skills, abilities, health, knowledge, and motivation?
A – human capital

20.   Q – What is the term that describes a way of organizing work so that each individual worker completes a separate part of the work?
A – division of labor

21.   Q – What is the term that describes when factors of production perform only tasks they can do better or more efficiently than others?
A – specialization

22.   Q – What is the term that describes how we rely on others, and others rely on us, to provide most of the goods and services we consume.
A – Economic interdependence

23.   Q – What is the term that describes when we have alternative choices?
A – trade-offs

24.   Q – What is the term that describes the cost of the next-best alternative?
A – opportunity cost

25.   Q – What is the term that describes the quality of life based on the ownership of the necessities and luxuries that make life easier?
A – standard of living

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