Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Lesson on Tuesday, January 24th, 2017

Aim: What is Freedom of Speech?

Bell Ringer: Give students 10/15 minutes to transfer notes taken last week to the official unit notes.

1. Students will evaluate, take, and defend positions about rights protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights
2. Students will evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues that cause the government to balance the interests of individuals with the public good.
3. Students will explain why rights have limits and are not absolute.

1. Bell Ringer (10/15 min)
2. Finish Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Concept map presentations (15 min)
3. Journal 37 – Define freedom of speech.
5. Journal 38 – How has freedom of speech been abridged in the past? Answer this journal while watching the introductory video to Freedom of Speech.

Home Learning: Complete "Civil Rights & Civil Liberties" notes. 

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