Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Lesson on Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Aim: Are the roles of the entrepreneur, the consumer, and the government in the free enterprise system equally important, or is one more important than the other?  

Bell Ringer: Journal 9 – Choose one of the economic and social goals named in this section. How might the ways in which this goal is met change over time? / Use section 2. 

1. Students will compare how the various economic systems (traditional, market, command, mixed) answer the questions: (1) What to produce? (2) How to produce?; and (3) For whom to produce?  
2. Students will identify and explain broad economic goals. 
3. Students will differentiate and draw conclusions about historical economic thought theorized by economists. 

1. Bell Ringer (10 min)  
2. Concept Map and Economic Systems note-taking guide presentations. (rest of class)  
4. Have students complete the note-taking guide as each group presents their designated topic. 

Home Learning: Journal 10 – What distinguishes socialism from communism? (Use figure 2.2) 

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