Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Chapter 2 Quiz/Test Study Guide

  • Know all economic systems: market, command, traditional, mixed.
  • How are prices of goods and services determined in a Command Economy?
  • Who is primarily responsible for making economic decisions in a market economy?
  • What type of economy does the United States have?
  • Voluntary exchange
  • Specialization
  • Economic Interdependence
  • Examples of economic and social goals

S/A Questions

  • Identify the five major disadvantages of a Command Economy
  • Explain who makes economic decisions in a Market Economy
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a Mixed Economy 
  • What distinguishes socialism from communism? 
  • Describe two economic and social goals and how each relate to you


Period 1: Thursday, March 8
Period 5: Friday, March 9

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