Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Lesson on Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Aim: What are Third Parties? What are interest groups? 
Bell Ringer: Discuss Journal 12 – What is the Federal Reserve System? Watch “Federal Reserve System Explained” and answer “Who is the FOMC and what do they do?” 

1. Students will evaluate the origins and roles of political parties, interest groups, media and individuals in determining and shaping public policy. 

1. Bell Ringer (15 min) 
2. Video: "Third Parties Explained” 

a. What are the two main ideas of Third Parties? 
b. What is Nativism? 
c. What usually happens to the ideas of the Socialist Party? 
d. What was the Reform Party? 
e. What is a Free Market? Laissez Faire?  
f. What was the Independence Party?   
5. Exit Ticket: Why can't third parties take off? 

Home Learning:  
Search for a Third Party or an Interest Group that you may be interested in joining. Write a short excerpt explaining why you chose this third party. Be ready to present your findings to the class. 

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