Friday, September 1, 2017

G: Lesson on Friday, September 1, 2017

Aim: What are the seven principles of the Constitution?  
Bell Ringer: Journal 8 - Write about a relevant current event (local, national, or global events) 
  1. Students will examine how power and responsibility are distributed, shared, and limited by the Constitution.  
  1. Students will analyze and categorize the diverse viewpoints presented by the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists concerning ratification of the Constitution and inclusion of a bill of rights.  
  1. Bell Ringer (10 min) 
  1. Current Events discussion (10 min) 
  1. Answer all questions assigned of the Constitution (10 min) 
  1. Federalist vs. Antifederalist worksheet (10 min) 
Home Learning: Study for Wednesday’s quiz

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