Thursday, December 8, 2016

Lesson on Thursday, December 8, 2016

Aim: What is the organization and structure of the judicial branch, and what is the significance of the Supreme Court and judicial review in ensuring democracy and equity in the United States?  

Bell Ringer: Journal 31 – What cases are you covering? Infer what these cases may be about. 

1.Students will analyze the structures, functions, and processes of the judicial branch as described in Article III of the Constitution.

1.Bell Ringer (10 min)

2.Supreme Court Case Project


Name ___________________________                                    Date_________

Supreme Court Case Project

            During the next few days of class we will be studying some landmark Supreme Court cases.   You and one other classmate will be assigned a Supreme Court case to work on.  You will complete a paper, an informative poster, and a brief presentation for the class.  This assignment is worth 2 Test Grades, and 1 Quiz grade.

Your Landmark Supreme Court Cases:

1.    _____________________ v. _____________________

2.    _____________________ v. _____________________

3.    _____________________ v. _____________________

Websites for Research:

Written portion of assignment (1 quiz grade) include the following about your landmark Supreme Court case:

1.    Title of case (underlined and properly cited)
Marbury v. Madison (1803)
5 U.S. 137, 2 L.Ed.60

2.    What is the constitutional issue involved in the case?

3.    Who were the parties involved in the case?

4.    When and where did the case take place?

5.    What events lead up to the case going before the Supreme Court?

6.    What was the Supreme Court’s ruling / decision?

7.    What was the reasoning given by the Supreme Court for making their decision?

8.    How do you feel about the ruling?  Why?

*** Identify the immediate impact as well as long-term impact on society from this case.  Why is this case considered “Landmark”?

Poster and presentation portion of assignment (2 test grades).  On a poster board clearly and neatly create an informational poster that includes the following:

1.    Title of case
2.    Constitutional issue at stake
3.    Outcome of the case
4.    Why important to us?
5.    Picture depicting / showing the importance of the case

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